On Feb. 21, 2010, a con­voy of vehicles car­ry­ing ci­vil­ians headed down a moun­tain in cent­ral Afgh­anistan. Amer­ic­an eyes were watch­ing. For more than four hours, the U.S. mil­it­ary — in­clud­ing a Pred­at­or drone crew in Nevada, video screen­ers in Flor­ida, an AC-130 air­plane crew in the sky and an Amer­ic­an spe­cial op­er­a­tions unit on the ground nearby — tracked the con­voy, try­ing to de­cide wheth­er it was friend or foe.

The language of this transcript displays the tacit disregard these US military personnel have for human life. The drone program places a critical distance between the pilots and their victims that re-enforces dehumanization.

With the increasing automation and remote control of weapons of asymetrical warfare, questions related to the efficacy of the human role are becoming paramount. Instead of inquiries regarding the neccessity of perpetual war, military intelligence groups are investigating how machine logic can perfect the art of war.

Made in collaboration with Nadine Rotem-Stibbe.

Screenings & Exhibitions
2017 - Plan D
Techno-Optimism/Techno-Pessimism International Design festival, Zagreb (CR)

2017 - INFRA
A collaborative exhibition at 'La générale', Paris (FR)

2017 - Arts Games Demos #4
Gaming Festival, Lyon (FR)

Installation views from INFRA La Générale, Paris (FR) (2017)

Installation views from Plan D Zagreb (CR) (2017)
